Venus Squares Chiron
“Collective Wounds of the Divine Feminine”
By Dr. Dani
Venus in Gemini is the happy, talkative, flirty feminine at the surface. In the highest spiritual octave, this energy is the divine feminine experiencing downloads of divine inspiration, truth, and creation. Venus in Gemini squares on Chiron in Pisces.
Chiron, the wounded healer/teacher, in Pisces, is a helpless combination of deep collective wounds. An energy we witness, and in some cases, deeply feel and fight against, but are powerless to stop or even slightly control. Any ounce of peace from this energy is only attained by diverting attention, which ultimately leads to guilt.
Venus may be asking, “how can I heal the others?” The truth is, she cannot heal the collective until she is healed. Divine feminine is so incredibly powerful, yet terribly wounded. These are ancient wounds, passed down generation after generation, causing fear in the feminine. She is afraid of being alone, afraid of making the wrong choice, afraid of saying the wrong thing, afraid of drawing boundaries, and afraid of being banished. How can you heal others, Venus?
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Every feminine is a sovereign soul born with the gift of free will to make choices. However, she is also born with the gift of creation and the power of destruction. A terrifying responsibility to some and the dream of a lifetime to others. For others, it’s an untapped potential of the fire of creation. Women must weigh every single decision of their lives, whether they know it or not, with how to wield this awesome power.
Adding insult to injury, the programming young women are exposed to make them vulnerable to subjugation, low self worth and almost no self esteem. Divine feminine using her enormous power to punish herself.
I offer the following set of intentions/prayers for our mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers so that they may walk in the divine and healing light of the creator.
1. Pray that she let go of what the world expects from her so that she can live her best life. The one which her intuition guides her.
2. Pray that she understands the great gift and responsibility of creation and procreation
3. Pray that she see herself through the creator’s eyes, as worthy and as perfect as as the creator themself.
4. Pray that she is called to service in a vocation that honors the divinity, the sovereignty and the dignity of creation
5. Pray that she if she chooses a partner that they will honor, serve and protect her.
6. Pray that she surrounds herself with spiritual and kind women who can support her during difficult times.
7. Pray that she speaks to the creator and her guides daily in her private moments and that she hears them speak to her through others throughout her day.
8. Pray that she honors her body with nourishment, gratitude, and boundaries
9. Pray that she supports and serves other women in her community in need of her gifts and talents
10. Pray that she teach young girls about living to serve one another. That they are perfect, smart, strong, divine, and inviolable. So that when they become women, they walk the highest path with grace.
In Love with the Universe,
Dr. Dani