Take it to the Next Level…
Coaching & Mentorship
✨When you find yourself dreaming about your chart and always looking at what is happening in the sky, it might be time to start your own practice. Astrology is a rewarding career on many levels. You become a confidant, counselor, and friend to your clients. As you reveal the stars to your clients the real magic begins.
✨Practicing astrology requires a burning curiosity, a willingness to learn, and a desire to work with Spirit and the Akashic Record. You are in service to Spirit for the highest good of your client.
✨Reams of books on the various topics and subspecialties of Astrology are numerous and would take you lifetimes to read & integrate. But if you were called in this lifetime to know the wisdom of the stars, you need a mentor!
✨When you mentor with me, you work with me. We read charts together. I review your first readings. I review your write-ups. You help me answer questions from other seekers in our community. I expect you to keep a daily/weekly journal of your “downloads” as you work.
✨The first step is for you to set up a 30-min connection call with me. During this call I will assess your needs based on your goals and expectations. I will tailor a program suited to how you learn and my availability.
📞Set your call up here
Let’s talk about it!