Venus in Aspect to Chiron: Sexual Healing
by Dr. Dani
Contemporary painting of Ardhanārīśwarī, here illustrating “the relationship between Kundalini, Tantra and the sacred weaving, the 'Divine Marriage' and the role of the 'Divine Feminine',” to which is ascribed “power and potential of fertility, creation and re-creation.”
Today I am going to talk about the Divine Feminine. Specifically, how powerful this energy is for healing. And, how you can use Venus with Chiron when they are in aspect to one another.
This topic is for mature audiences only!!
First, let’s talk about astrology…
Venus gains wisdom and enlightenment through experience of the senses. Her energy embodies all that is the Divine Feminine. Her power is fully expressed in the highest octave when she is comfortable and surrounded by beauty. Venus also requires security and harmony so that when her enormous power is unleashed it can be channeled towards the highest intentions.
Chiron is the wounded healer/teacher. When Chiron is activated, especially in the constellation of Pisces, deep collective wounds/healings/lessons can be activated. Venus is activating this energy when she aspects Chiron.
Aspects to Chiron flavor the way the divine feminine energy is applied to healing. Trines and sextiles are doorways or opportunities, astrologically speaking, to use or not use these energies. Squares and oppositions challenge us to ask, are we comfortable in our bodies? And how do we use the magic and power of Venus to heal our Divine Feminine? This is for men too!
Some people call it sexual healing. However, it’s not really about sex at all! Others politely call it kundalini energy.
It is about the flow and channeling of VERY POWERFUL ENERGY to heal our deepest wounds. You can practice it alone or with a partner. I practice this and I describe the technique below. Try it alone first, and then if your partner is into it, practice it with your partner.
The best time to practice is when you are already prone to complete body relaxation. Whenever you have the nappy, drowsy feeling during the day is perfect. Alternatively, right before you fall asleep or right when you wake up. You will need to practice this often to learn to control this energy within you. Two important points first:
1) make sure you are completely comfortable, not too cold or hot, not hungry, empty bladder, and undisturbed
2) lay on your back and place a pillow under your knees, close your eyes and deeply breathe in and out
This next step is the fun part:
Practice squeezing your perineal muscles (anus, groin and pelvic floor muscles) really tightly as you exhale, completely emptying your lungs. Then totally relax those muscles as you inhale. Isolate only those muscles when squeezing. No need to thrust, no need to engage the abdominal muscles. Just the perineum.
Do about 10 reps aligned with your breathing and then just relax and breathe normally. You may notice a rushing and throbbing sensation in your groin, pelvis, and genitals. This is good! This means you have lit the spark. You have activated your root chakra.
If you don’t feel any energy, repeat the exercise above, and try breathing in and out and squeezing faster. Sometimes even vocalizing a little as you exhale can help too. I find that inhaling slowly and then quickly exhaling, with vocalization, works well for me. You can also squeeze and relax at a faster rate than your breathing.
See what works for you! Once the spark is lit and you are on fire, it’s time to send the energy upwards towards your crown chakra. At least that’s the goal. But you can simmer here in the root chakra as long as you like. The goal is also not to climax, but sometimes when you start working with kundalini that can be a side effect. Oh darn!
The Chakras
Each chakra has a muscle gateway in your body. They are similar to bandhas in yogic practice. This is not the locking technique taught in yoga, rather an adaptation o n the ancient method to harness the creative power of your divine feminine energy. The pelvic floor is the first gateway. This is the exercise I taught you in the above paragraphs.
Now you will send this energy to your sacral chakra. Use the breathing exercise above, or your own unique adaptation to it to get your spark lit. Feel into the energy of arousal. Once you’re ready, send it to the Sacral chakra. The lower abdominal muscles plus the previous set of muscles are the target. While exhaling, squeeze the pelvic, butt AND lower abdominal muscles at the same time. On the inhale, relax all of those muscles. Repeat this at least 10 times
The flow and intensity of the energy should get considerably stronger. You will also feel the pulsing in your entire circulatory system. If it gets too intense, and it will, because it’s healing you, simply let go, relax and let the energy dissipate.
Try the Root and Sacral chakras first, and get really comfortable with the intensity. As you move this energy upward it will get more and more intense, so it’s important to feel really steady before you move upward. Repeat the process for the solar plexus – upper abdominal muscles, heart – chest and back muscles, throat – neck throat and jaw muscles, third eye – forehead eyes and scalp, and crown chakra - fingers, toes and top of the head.
As you learn to control this energy, you can choose where to send it in your body for healing. I like to send it to an area right between my heart and solar plexus chakra. I receive physical energy and strength as well as dose of optimism and compassion.
Sending it to your throat chakra will require vocalizations. Ever notice how the word “god” is thrown around when we are close to climax?
Sending it to the third eye, for me is difficult without my partner’s energy. I think it’s that way for most people, but it can be an out of body experience. This is 100 times more powerful than the root chakra.
This energy in the crown chakra is pure bliss. I’m still working on this!
Venus in aspect to Chiron has a whole new meaning for me, how about you? Healing your creation energy, or play a singing bowl, it’s your choice. Have fun! Don’t judge yourself! You are so powerful!!!
How can you explore this further? Start with a Venus-Centered Natal reading and/or transits reading. These are PRIVATE, recorded, and included a 1:1 zoom call with me!
In Love with the Universe,
Dr. Dani