Personalized Venus Forecast & Venus Focused Natal Chart
Where is your Venus?
Are you Venus rising, Venus conjunctions, Libra/Taurus suns/moons/ risings, or just inspired by the Goddess?
Then watching Venus is important for you! She embodies wisdom and enlightenment through experience of the senses. Venus is the archetype of the divine feminine in all her glory and in all her darkness. Our sister planet orbits the Sun in harmonic cycles with the Earth, which encode the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Venus energy is the key to effortless manifestation of your authentic creative Self. Your creative legacy is your pathway to immortality.
This is a personal recorded reading including the following:
Full reading on your natal Venus; aspects, lessons, gifts
Reading of your Sun, Moon, Lunar Nodes, Rising Sign, Chart Ruler and Ophiuchus
Reading of your Venus Power
Progressed Moon
3-months of detailed, timely, and freakishly accurate transit energy reading
How the current planets are affecting your natal Venus energy
How the current Venus is affecting your natal planets
Spiritual advice and counseling
optional follow-up call
Each video is 60-90 mins. You receive a link to watch and download your video.
Allow 7-10 days for completion. You will receive as link via email to download your report.
Where is your Venus?
Are you Venus rising, Venus conjunctions, Libra/Taurus suns/moons/ risings, or just inspired by the Goddess?
Then watching Venus is important for you! She embodies wisdom and enlightenment through experience of the senses. Venus is the archetype of the divine feminine in all her glory and in all her darkness. Our sister planet orbits the Sun in harmonic cycles with the Earth, which encode the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Venus energy is the key to effortless manifestation of your authentic creative Self. Your creative legacy is your pathway to immortality.
This is a personal recorded reading including the following:
Full reading on your natal Venus; aspects, lessons, gifts
Reading of your Sun, Moon, Lunar Nodes, Rising Sign, Chart Ruler and Ophiuchus
Reading of your Venus Power
Progressed Moon
3-months of detailed, timely, and freakishly accurate transit energy reading
How the current planets are affecting your natal Venus energy
How the current Venus is affecting your natal planets
Spiritual advice and counseling
optional follow-up call
Each video is 60-90 mins. You receive a link to watch and download your video.
Allow 7-10 days for completion. You will receive as link via email to download your report.
Where is your Venus?
Are you Venus rising, Venus conjunctions, Libra/Taurus suns/moons/ risings, or just inspired by the Goddess?
Then watching Venus is important for you! She embodies wisdom and enlightenment through experience of the senses. Venus is the archetype of the divine feminine in all her glory and in all her darkness. Our sister planet orbits the Sun in harmonic cycles with the Earth, which encode the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio. Venus energy is the key to effortless manifestation of your authentic creative Self. Your creative legacy is your pathway to immortality.
This is a personal recorded reading including the following:
Full reading on your natal Venus; aspects, lessons, gifts
Reading of your Sun, Moon, Lunar Nodes, Rising Sign, Chart Ruler and Ophiuchus
Reading of your Venus Power
Progressed Moon
3-months of detailed, timely, and freakishly accurate transit energy reading
How the current planets are affecting your natal Venus energy
How the current Venus is affecting your natal planets
Spiritual advice and counseling
optional follow-up call
Each video is 60-90 mins. You receive a link to watch and download your video.
Allow 7-10 days for completion. You will receive as link via email to download your report.